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Kyndra's Foundation of Love
Spreading God's Word

Sharing God's Love

Kyndra's Foundation of Love
Spreading God's Word
Sharing God's Love
Chasefu Primary School - Hope 6
Chasefu is one of the oldest schools in Zambia. It is about 60km from the city of Lundazi. The school offers grades 1-9. It is need of some upgrades and new developments for the growing community. A group of 10 individuals visited the Chasefu community in February 2019. The members of this HANDS team are Katrina Wanders, Rianne Den Toom, Melissa Groeneweg, Margriet Eindhoven Jerry Poelman, Jasper Battjes, Paul Kittlisen, Ryan Poelman, Claudia DenToom and Adam Ovinge.
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