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Mwase High School, Zambia, Africa

​November 19, 2013 a group of 12 of Kyndra's family and friends had the oppotunity to visit a village in Zambia. Here we were able to continue the building project of a high school. 

Hoya Day Secondary School, Zambia

In November 2014, two groups (Hope 1 & Hope 2) took part in building another school in a village in Zambia, Africa.

This is a neighboring community (about 2hr) to the Mwase community from our first project.

November 30, 2015 a group of 10 men visited an existing school in need of some serious repairs. This school is being used by hundreds of students with more waiting to join. 

Our latest trip on February 11-28, 2017 a group of 8 assisted in the renovations of the Mwase Primary school. They helped renovate 4 classrooms that have been unused for the last 3 years. 

Recently a team of 12 visited an existing school with about 400 students in grades 1-7. The team helped improve some of the structure with the support of the surrounding villages and construction team.


In February 2019 a group of 10 helped in the construction of one of the oldest schools in Zambia. It is a rural school just outside of Lundazi. This school runs grades 1-9 and is part of CCAP. 

Impact Zambia

OVC Scholarship

The Orphans and Vulnerable Child (OVC) Scholarship fund

serves orphans and other vulnerable children showing good

character and leadership and who have a desire to attend a

CCAP school. Caregivers of the orphan or vulnerable child

will be able to apply to their local school to be considered for

scholarship funds. The funds provided will enable orphans

and vulnerable children to continue their education. Each

year of continued education rooted in a Biblical worldview will give greater opportunity and understanding to how to be a Kingdom citizen.



Walking Together Zonal Teacher Training

This includes multiple regional trainings led by Zambian

educational leaders who are mentored by highly experienced

Canadian Christ-centered educational trainers. The workshop will empower the 36 early adopter teacher participants to tell God’s story and use “through lines” in all of their teaching. This new way of teaching will impact the lives of the teacher, the students and could transform the whole school environment. This mentoring and training program will enable Zambian educational leaders to put their training into practice by training other teachers and further equip additional Zambian teachers to enhance the quality of education they are providing.

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